So this is what this book is about – that dream, the first forty, those years “whose margins fade for ever and forever” as we move. As a young man I never understood what the beautiful phrase from Tennyson meant. That was the one thought in the whole beautiful poem “Ulysses” that eluded my grasp. Now I know why.
Many people tell me time is the most valuable possession we have. I’m not sure I agree, because no story is ever straight. In traversing our life from youth to old age, we truly live outside time. There are certain ordinary moments, and then there are highlights that your consciousness treasures forever. Some good and some horrible moments, but indelible. And for me at least, trying to get from cradle to grave is too long a time, too much happens, too many characters to cherish, too much forgotten or remembered falsely. Baby steps are required to understand these moments outside time and what they mean. That’s the greatest pleasure I take in writing – re-appreciating, loving all over again.